0.1 What is the Internet Computer?
The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a secure and transparent blockchain-based network that can be used to host entire programs and their data. Applications hosted on ICP are referred to as decentralized applications, often abbreviated to dapps.
Dapps are created by the development and deployment of smart contracts, which are known as canisters on ICP. Each canister is hosted on one of the network's subnets, which is a group of nodes running their own independent instance of the network's protocol.
These terms will be explained a bit further in the next section, Internet Computer terminology.
In order to understand how to develop dapps on ICP, first let's take a look at the architecture of ICP and how it functions.
The Internet Computer Protocol
ICP uses a 4-layer technology stack that runs on the nodes of each subnet. Through the implementation of this 4-layer stack, each subnet is capable of creating a blockchain-based replicated state machine that is able to operate independently of other subnets while communicating asynchronously with them. Each subnet processes messages, which are received from end-users or other subnets.
Protocol stack
The ICP is comprised of four layers:
Peer-to-peer: Responsible for the communication between the nodes within a subnet and facilitates a reliable and secure channel to do so. Through peer-to-peer communication, nodes on a subnet can broadcast messages, referred to as artifacts, to all nodes in the subnet.
Consensus: Responsible for ensuring that all nodes in a subnet agree on the messages that are processed on the subnet and the order that they are processed in. This is important to ensure that all nodes make the same state transition when executing messages. Each subnet on ICP runs consensus independently of the other subnets. A unique aspect of the ICP consensus protocol is that it provides cryptographically guaranteed finality, which is different in comparison to other consensus protocols, such as the one used by Bitcoin, which provides probabilistic finality.
Message routing: Receives a block of messages from the consensus layer, then places these messages into the input queues of their associated target canisters. This process is called induction. The induction process then triggers the execution process, which may result in new canister messages in the executed canisters' output queues. After execution has completed, messages in the output queues are routed to their recipient by the message routing component.
Execution: Responsible for executing canister smart contract code. Execution is done using WebAssembly (Wasm). There is a Wasm virtual machine responsible for this process that runs on each node. Wasm is used because Wasm bytecode can be executed deterministically. Messages that have been inducted into canister queues on the subnet are executed by the execution layer until either all messages in the queue have been executed or until the cycles limit for the round has been reached.
Together, the peer-to-peer and consensus layers select and order incoming messages, then provide them to the upper two layers in the form of blocks. When the message routing and execution layers receive those blocks that contain ordered messages, they can execute them in a completely deterministic manner across every node on the subnet. This demonstrates a round of message execution and showcases the implementation of the replicated state machine, where every node within the subnet transitions from the same starting state to the same ending state in each round of message execution.
Chain-key cryptography
Another core component of ICP is a suite of advanced cryptographic mechanisms, which are collectively referred to as chain-key cryptography. These chain-key cryptographic methods allow ICP to achieve scalability and provide functionalities that aren't possible on other blockchain networks.
At the core of chain-key cryptography is a threshold signature scheme. A threshold signature scheme is similar to an ordinary digital signature scheme, though the secret signing key in a threshold signature scheme is distributed among all the replicas in a subnet. This provides a layer of security where a key cannot be stolen by compromising one, or even a large portion, of the replicas on the subnet.
Through chain-key cryptography:
- Anyone can verify content received from ICP by validating a signature without needing to sync the entire blockchain network.
- New subnets and nodes can be added, or faulty nodes can be recovered autonomously.
- Pseudo-randomness can be used by canisters.
Chain-key signatures provide the ability for transactions on other blockchain networks to be computed fully on ICP, then signed and submitted to the intended destination chain. This enables integrations with other blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
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Canister smart contracts
Smart contracts on ICP are referred to as canisters. Canisters are computational units that bundle together both code and state. A canister can define functions that can be called by external services, such as browsers or mobile apps, or that can be called by other canisters.
Canisters are able to communicate with each other through asynchronous messages. The execution of messages is done in isolation, allowing for increased levels of concurrent execution.
Canister code can be written in a number of different languages. Currently, Motoko and Rust are supported and maintained by DFINITY through the IC SDK and Rust CDK respectively, and there are several community-developed canister development kits, such as Python and TypeScript.
A canister is managed by its controllers. A controller can be a centralized entity, a decentralized entity such as a DAO, or an individual developer. Controllers are the only ones that can deploy the canister to ICP, start or stop their execution, and push updated code to the canister. A canister can have no controller at all, which would make it immutable.
Controllers are also responsible for ensuring that a canister contains sufficient cycles to pay for the resources it consumes, which include network bandwidth, memory, and computational power. Each execution performed by a canister deployed on the mainnet has a cost of cycles.
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The Internet Computer's utility token is ICP. It is used for network activities like token staking in return for voting power in the network's governance or being converted into cycles, which are used to fund canisters deployed on the mainnet.
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Network Nervous System
ICP is governed by the Network Nervous System (NNS), a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The NNS coordinates the independent nodes that make up the decentralized system of ICP. It is responsible for facilitating the proposal and voting of network changes and decisions, such as which subnet a node should belong to, which protocol version the nodes should run, and when nodes should be upgraded to a new version of the protocol. Anyone can participate in the NNS by staking ICP tokens and voting on proposals.
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Service Nervous Systems
Dapps deployed on ICP can be governed in the same manner that ICP itself is governed—through a DAO, referred to as an SNS, or Service Nervous System. An SNS is a version of the NNS that is responsible for tokenizing and decentralizing a single dapp. Once a dapp's control has been handed over to an SNS, it can be managed through proposals that are voted on by those that have staked the dapp's native token.
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Internet Identity
ICP has pioneered a secure and advanced form of cryptographic authentication known as Internet Identity (II). II is designed to work across all user devices and protect user privacy as a means to replace traditional usernames and passwords, which can be hard to manage and easy to exploit.
II can be integrated with dapps on ICP and helps secure online identities by providing protection from websites collecting data.
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Did you get stuck somewhere in this tutorial, or do you feel like you need additional help understanding some of the concepts? The ICP community has several resources available for developers, like working groups and bootcamps, along with our Discord community, forum, and events such as hackathons. Here are a few to check out:
- Developer Discord
- Developer Liftoff forum discussion
- Developer tooling working group
- Motoko Bootcamp - The DAO Adventure
- Motoko Bootcamp - Discord community
- Motoko developer working group
- Upcoming events and conferences
- Upcoming hackathons
- Weekly developer office hours to ask questions, get clarification, and chat with other developers live via voice chat.
- Submit your feedback to the ICP Developer feedback board